autumn = horror films

helllllo peeps its pod, -again

so its finally autumn well mid autumn but anyway this post was a tad bit delayed but thats okay…. because im in the mood to write so ive already written two posts today so yeh three posts in one day is a bit too much so this is for another day.

Autumn is the time when summer is over it finally getting cold enough to wear fluffy jumpeprs. But most importantly the fact that its halloween, which means poeple are getting into the halloween spirit by watching horror films. basically october is the month for horror.

side note do not search up horror film gif becasue alot of horrory things appear blughhh

Image result for horror film

The other day my friend and i decided that we should watch insidious because i had already watched it before but she hadnt (shes a massive horror person) so we put on insidious. And boy was it scary. i had totaly forgotten about how scary the jump scares where. insidious is a classic horoor film it has all the elements that agreat horror film should have

  • jump scares,
  • bizare ghosts,
  • demons thing,
  • small kid getting possesed and so many other things.

we were able to survive watching insidious but we also wanted to watch the second movie so we stupidly decided to watch it. Neither of us had watched this film so it was very scary for both of us…  Even though the second movie wasnt as good as the first one it was still a great horror film, it got us ready for the halloween vibe. Both of us are now scared of red doors tho… (if you’ve watched the film… you understand the struggles)

a classic kind of old horror film is the omen. its not reallya horror film but more of a satanic, anti-antichrist kind of film. wheni watched this film i thought it was great because the CGI is awful and you could tell all of the money form the budget went into the elevator scene…

the omen 1976 : 86% rotton tomatoes

The young son of an American diplomat and his wife, living in London, turns out to be marked with the sign of Satan, the infamous “666”. It soon becomes apparent that he could be the Anti-Christ incarnate and possesses the evil powers to stop anyone who stands in his way.

horror films i havnt seen which ‘are’ good

  • saw
  • the counjuring
  • the shining
  • IT
  • it follows


okayyyy im done / given up on writting about horror stuff… i was looking for a photo of insidious and god i saw a photo of the bide in black and the demon behind dalton.



book review – STOLEN

Hey guys, Pea and CBR here with another book review for you!

Because we read a LOT of books, it was really hard for us to choose another book to write a book review, because they are all so good! We hope you enjoyed the selection if you read it.

Here is a book review on Stolen by Lucy Christopher. ☺

The story is about a girl called Gemma who, one day, gets taken away and kidnapped into the desert after being drugged by at an airport by her kidnapper, Ty. It was quite a long book and when they get to the desert, you find yourself thinking that you wish that Gemma would just get over her annoyance with Ty and just be with him. This is what makes Lucy Christopher such a good writer. Because Gemma and Ty are the main characters and there are not very many other characters in the book you find yourself wanting them to be together, despite all that Ty put her through. And after all of that, Gemma starts to warm up to Ty a bit after he saves her life.

Together, they acquire a camel and this makes Gemma realise how similar it was to her kidnapping. The camel was taken away from her mother and family and everything that she knew and once lost, would never find its way back again. She named this Camel Stolen. This conveys how she feels although Ty does not agree and says they NEED the camel so its ok, also conveying how he needed her. What really drew me into this book was the blurb. Which went like this:


I was stolen from an airport. Kidnapped. Taken from everything I knew, everything I was used to. Imprisoned by sand and heat, dirt and danger. And he expected me to love him.

This is my story. A letter to my captor.

This blurb, although very good, needs a good book to live up to it. This book undoubtedly meets this amazing blurb. Ty tells her how he saw her one day, a long time ago and he instantly knew he needed her. This makes her scared but also grateful that she saved her once but she didn’t even realise it was him.

This book was incredibly sad at the end. You should definitely read it if you can!


CBR: 4/5


(Pod has not read it yet)

Will write another post soon- Pea and CBR

Review- Sherlock Season 4 (spoilers duh!)

hello everyone, Pod here,

On Sunday, a new episode of the fantastic final season of sherlock was aired. this episode was a massive turn around.

Image result for shocked gif

For one: Watson is still suffering from the traumatic event last episode; when she got shot and died for sherlock. He went to a brand new therapist to help his feelings.

Two: sherlock is of his head with drugs, trying to solve this mystery case. he is trying to find out if Culverton Smith is a serial killer or not. but during this episode, there were parts where Culverton would mock sherlock like when he is shooting a commercial for cereal saying he was a “cereal killer”.

In the last scene of the first episode, it ended with mary (Watson’s deceased wife) telling sherlock to save John Watson and fight the meanest guy there is (culverton) and go to hell. because john wouldn’t save himself,  so he had to save sherlock instead.

When Sherlock was mortally injured by John, as he attempted to stab everyone with a scalpel, he was made to go to the hospital because of his injuries. Culverton came in through a secret entrance and came to murder sherlock. While this was happening John had just seen his dead wife’s pre-recorded video and realised Sherlock was in danger. He rushed to the hospital to try to save Sherlock when he got to his room culverton was suffocating sherlock. While sherlock was being suffocated, culverton was confessing that he was a serial killer.

When culverton was arrested by John while saving John, culverton shouted you have no evidence of him confessing. but sherlock had mic-ed johns old walking stick which allowed culverton to be under arrest.

big reveal not over!


after all of this was over, john kept going to his therapy. she asked him how was sherlock he replied with he is back to normal. and then she suddenly asked what about the other brother, the secret brother. but john had never ever mentioned a secret brother. then she got out a gun and said my actual name is euros holmes. mother and father always chose such peculiar names: sherlock, microft and euros.

link to watch sherlock. you should really watch. final episode SUNDAY 15th JANUARY 9 PM

comment what you think about sherlock!

write to you soon, Pod



book review- The selection


Hi there, Pod and Chief Book Reviewer (CBR) here,

As mentioned in a previous blog post, I’m doing a book review, specifically on The Selection. The book is based in the dystopian future of America.  It was a phenomenal start to an amazing series which is probably one of my favorites. The book introduces a variety of futuristic big world problems such as war,  poverty, and castes. Castes play an important part in the series. They range from 1-8 with 1 being Royalty and 8 being destitute (basically really poor).

The book is a romance (just in case you don’t like that sort of thing) but not twilight style, it’s actually quite cool.  (Twilight is slightly soppy about a stupid girl who falls in love with a vampire in case you didn’t know). (but most people do)

In brief, it is about a girl named America who is chosen by the government to participate in a contest to basically win the prince’s (Maxon’s) heart involuntarily, pretty shallow but a pretty good plot for a pretty good book.

The book is great because it is full of detail, it describes all of the palace and it is written in the first person so there is lots of really good stuff in there. It makes you feel really sorry for America and for Maxon too. The other girls in the book are very good part of the book. There are some funny bits but not as many as a comedy book.

I hope you read this book and comment down below on whether you like it or not and who your favourite characters are!


Pod:     4/5

Pea:     4.5/5

CBR:   4.5/5


Ps. Don’t read twilight. Whatever you do.

will write soon! pod and CBR